America’s Christian Car Donation Ministry

How It Works

Donating your car to Jalopies 4 Jesus, is as easy as 1, 2, 3….

We also accept trucks, boats, RV’s, construction and farm equipment, motorcycles and more.


Acceptable Donations:




•Fleet Vehicles


•Boats w/ or w/o Trailer



•Construction Equipment

•Farm Equipment

•Real Estate

If you have any questions about what you can donate, please call us at 1-833-FOUR-HIM (1-833-368-7446)

Yes, vehicles donated on this site are tax deductible and benefit the many charities we support!

In most cases we will need the title to the vehicle. However, call us even if you do not have the title papers; other arrangements can sometimes be worked out. You may contact us by calling us at 1-833-FOUR-HIM (1-833-368-7446).

Your car donation to an IRS approved 501(c)(3) charity is still tax deductible and will fall into one of these categories:

  1. For vehicles sold for under $500, you can claim the fair market value up to $500.00 without any additional paperwork.  The preliminary tax receipt will be mailed to you after vehicle sale has been completed. 
  2. If the gross proceeds from the sale of your donated vehicle exceed $500.00, your deduction will be limited to the actual sale price. You will also be asked by the donee organization to provide your Social Security for the purposes of completing its IRS Form 1098-C form.

We will provide you with a receipt stating the final sales price of your vehicle within 30 days of its sale.

At no cost to you, we will arrange to have your vehicle towed away. We can pick it up at your home or choice of location – at a scheduled time that works best for you.

Jalopies 4 Jesus is a program of Car Donation Foundation, a federally registered 501(c)(3) non-profit organization. You receive a tax deduction for the total amount that your car sells for. See here for tax information.

Jalopies 4 Jesus thanks you for your generosity and truly appreciates your donations. While the costs of turning donated vehicles into cash are high compared to other forms of charity fundraising, Jalopies 4 Jesus is committed to maximizing each car donation for each of our charities.

The amount that your vehicle ultimately sells for is based upon its make, year, mileage and condition. These are sales proceeds from your vehicle, we also have normal expenses involved in directly promoting the car donation program (advertising) and costs involved in turning your donated vehicle into cash (towing fees, auction fees, administrative costs).

Car donation programs have higher costs to promote and operate, compared to other forms of charity fundraising. If you are concerned about giving 100% of the value of your vehicle to a charity, the best way to do so is to sell your vehicle and directly donate your sale proceeds to your favorite charity.

Greetings from the management of Jalopies 4 Jesus and thank you for visiting our website!

As you probably have figured out by now, this non-profit corporation is a Christ centered ministry that exists by, and for, our Lord’s glory and power. We believe that everything that is, has come into being by him, through him and for him. This includes you, us, this ministry, and every other created being.

This journey called life is a wondrous and incredible journey with many joys, and yes, as we all know, sometimes challenging moments as well.

In our experiences, we have learned that this is common to all men. Remember what Jesus said, “in this world you will have trials and tribulations”. We live in an imperfect and fallen world. Everyone comes to that realization sooner or later. The good times are always fun and joyful, right? If only that was the extent of our experiences, that would be awesome. However, we all know there is a flip side.

What about the down times? The challenges, the darkness, the divorces, the death of a loved one, the bad report from the Doctor, the lost career, the depression, the broken dreams, the loneliness and the confusion? These too are part of the human experience.

The good news is, when we go through the tough times, we don’t have to go through it alone! There is one who will never leave us or forsake us. One who will stick closer to us than a brother. One who loves and adores us, and always has our back, ALWAYS!

Yes, it’s Jesus the Messiah! The most powerful, influential, dynamic, important and most transformative person to have ever walked on planet earth!!

One of his names is Immanuel. When translated, it means “God with us”. Simply put, God became a man and dwelt among us (humanity) Another way of saying it is Holy God became a man, born to a virgin, lived a perfect sinless life, and ultimately was crucified on the Cross at Calvary in Jerusalem, for you and me! Jesus is the only person who never broke any of the commandments of God! Through his perfection and sinlessness, his sacrificial death appeased God the father for our sins! For without the shedding of blood, there can be no forgiveness of sins. Amen ?

Remember, “He who knew no sin, became sin, so that we might become the righteousness of God in Christ Jesus”.  This Divine transfer is pure grace and mercy, and is available to one and all. It merely requires faith; childlike faith.

If your not sure about how to face the uncertainties of this life, or where you will go in the next one, we strongly, sincerely and lovingly encourage you to pray this prayer.

Dear Lord Jesus, I ask you to come into my life and live in my heart. Take those things from me that are not of you and replace them with your ways, and your goodness. I thank you for washing me clean by your precious blood and giving me a fresh, new beginning. I ask you for your strength, and your power, to walk according to your ways. Thank you Lord. Amen

We strongly recommend finding a solid local church in your area and begin fellowshipping with other Christ followers. Your life will never be the same again. God bless you. Jalopies 4 Jesus

Car Donations Chicago IL


Jalopies 4 Jesus is a 501 (c) 3 – non profit Christian ministry for car donations in Chicago, Illinois. We are established to expand the kingdom of God, through our associations and alliances with other like minded outreaches and ministries. Simply put, we are here to help people in need.

We strive wholeheartedly in making sure that love remains an active verb, in everything we do. Our goal is to be the good Samaritan in every way that we can. Whether it’s the orphan, the widow, the prostitute, the destitute, the hopeless or the lost, let us remember what Paul the apostle said in Phillipians 2:4-5 “Do not merely look out for your own personal interests, but also for the interests of others. Have this attitude in yourself, which was also in Christ Jesus.”
Remember, you can donate your car, and change eternity.

how to donate a car

Here are a few of Our Partners

A ministry that focuses on end time events and humanitarian endeavors.

Breakthrough partners with those affected by poverty to build connections, develop skills and open doors of opportunity.

Refuge city is a ministry that helps girls and young women who have escaped from the sex trafficking industry.

“I am not ashamed of the gospel, for it is the power of God for salvation to everyone who believes to the Jew first, and also the Greek”

– Romans 1:16

“Pray for us for we are sure that we have a good conscience, desiring to conduct ourselves honorably in all things.”

– Hebrews 13:18


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